Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Planning for Spring

I am offering my new course again, Higher Education in Film and Fiction, the mother of this blog. Awwwright! I want to do some different works, so here is what I am changing and retaining. Any thoughts or comments are welcome.

Novels: I have retained Lucky Jim, Changing Places, Straight Man, and Moo. I am deleting The Human Stain and The Small Room. I have added Pnin and I Am Charlotte Simmons, as well as Elaine Showalter's new book on academic novels, Faculty Towers.

Films: I have retained Educating Rita, Mona Lisa Smile, Wonder Boys, Higher Learning, and Dead Poets Society, as well as excerpts from the TV show The Education of Max Bickford. I am deleting The Human Stain and Oleanna. I am adding Lucky Jim, Animal House, and either Good Will Hunting or Possession, or some other film, as well as excerpts from TV shows such as Felicity, Undeclared, and Tommy Lee Goes to College.