Sunday, April 17, 2005

All night long with Pixie...

My hopes of pushing ahead on projects today, Sunday, are compromised by no sleep. Our beloved dog, Pixie, is dying of lymphatic cancer, and seems to have developed another urinary infection. She was up all last night squatting in the back yard, and I finally lay down on the coach. Went to the emergency clinic today and got more antibiotic. She is on prednisone too, to keep her stable and feeling a bit better. We decided against chemo given that she is nearly 14 and has had a wonderful life.

What I did want to do today, and will have to push on forth on, is the following: wrap up on May Sarton for my class, watch Oleanna and take notes for a handout for my class, read all the PDFs of articles for my journal, in preparation for it going to the publisher for issue 21(1). I also want to finish the slim book Why Read? by Mark Edmundson, and read a dissertation and a dissertation proposal. Oh, and the lawn too. I don't think I will get to half of this, but plenty of PG Tips and Rooibos tea should help.

This is the crazy time of the year for academics. Purdue winds down in a few weeks, and grad students are furiously trying to finish and schedule this and that, undergrads are going crazy with the beautiful weather, and the upcoming bacchanal, Grand Prix weekend, and everyone seems to have a meeting, a reception, an end of the year commemoration, or what have you. I grit my teeth each April; it was worse when I was an administrator, and had to go to numerous rubber chicken events and little pieces of fruit and sweet punch receptions.